
Publication Ethics for Authors

To uphold the veracity of the research record and the professionalism of authorship, the journal maintains strict research ethics. Authors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Original Research: Authors must submit their original research work.
  2. Accurate Representation: Misinterpretation of research results must be avoided.
  3. Exclusive Submission: Submitting the same work to more than one journal is unethical.
  4. Non-Redundant Submission: Previously published work should not be resubmitted for publication in any other journal.
  5. Avoid Plagiarism: Authors must avoid plagiarism.
  6. Proper Acknowledgments: Proper acknowledgments and citations of other works must be given.
  7. Co-Author Consent: Authors must obtain consent from all co-authors before submitting a manuscript.
  8. Communication: The first author (or corresponding author) is responsible for informing all co-authors about any communication from the editor regarding the manuscript.
  9. Authorship Changes: Changes in authorship and order of authors are not accepted after submission.
  10. Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial gain, personal relationships, organizational ties, or other associations that may influence or be perceived to influence their work.
  11. Ethical Responsibility: Any unethical practices found in the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the authors.
  12. Copyright Agreement: A copyright agreement form will be provided once the manuscript is reviewed and provisionally accepted.
  13. Copyright Retention: Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions after publication. No permission is required from the journal or publisher for future use.

For further details:

Paper Format Guidelines

  • Format: The paper should be in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format.
  • Font: Times New Roman, font size 12.
  • Spacing: 1.5 line spacing.
  • Citation Style: Follow the 7th/8th edition MLA/APA format strictly.
  • File Types: No files other than MS Office (.doc or .docx) will be accepted.